Production week 1

This week we made our first production build. the focus was on getting rid of a lot of the problems that the prototype had. For example one major issue was that the planet's gravity didn't affect players across the borders of the continuous screen, so when a player was all the way on the left of the screen he wouldn't get dragged to the left even if there was a planet all the way on the right side.

While debugging we ran into some issues with unities debug visualisation system, which took a lot of time to figure out and fix properly.

We also kept working on the character assets, so that players will be able to actually play as gods in all their glory soon.

Another concern of this week was fully designing and agreeing on the game's UI and menu layout. We want to make it as simple as possible to jump right into the game and shoot rockets all over the place right away, so we're limiting ourselves to a main menu, controls screen and player selection screen.

For the future we're planning to work on the control system, implementing more visuals and starting on the menu system


PewPewPantheon_UnrealEngine_MovementTest.rar 60 MB
Mar 05, 2019 19 MB
Mar 05, 2019

Get [Group15]Pew Pew Pantheon

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